
Showing posts from June, 2019

How to Forgive

My father pastors at his local prison, and he often tells me that many of the inmates blame their father for being in prison. Some never had a father, some were beaten and abused by their father, and some say their father was the direct reason for their incarceration. As a result these men are angry. It’s not just their fathers’ they are angry at but everyone and everything around them because what is raised in anger only responds in kind, and that’s when they get in trouble. Their anger often started showing through from their school days and was directed at teachers, students or the whole school system and as they’ve grown it transferred to society, their girlfriends, wives and even their own children. It’s become a cycle, or more like a curse, that is passed from father to son. It’s easy for us on the outside to see the destruction such anger is brining into their lives and suggest they somehow change - while many of the inmates see the problem and want to change, it’s hard to...

Jordan Peterson's problem with God resolved

I've got some advice for Jordan Peterson regarding his reluctance to call himself a believer in God. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm a genius or delusional to make such a claim, but I have the sneaky suspicion Jordan takes his own advice very seriously, and might be willing to listen to a regular guy like me, who has no particular talent, when I say I might know something new that he might want to learn. My advice is not just for Jordan, but for everyone who loved what he had to say as he described why he is reluctant to give a definite answer about the existence of God, because he's missing something really important. I can relate to Jordan when he says he’s not good enough to call himself a believer in God. Most men by the time we reach our middle years discover that everyone is having a hard time, especially when we realise we could have been a better person. We look back on our lives and see that we could have been a better husband, father, friend or co...